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Thinking about starting a business? Have an idea to explore – or ready to launch? The MEC Resource Centre is here to support you


For a successful business, you need a viable business idea, the skills to make it work and the funding. Discover whether your idea has what it takes.

Forming your business correctly is essential to ensure you are protected and you comply with the rules. Learn how to set up your business.

Advice on protecting your wellbeing, self-confidence and mental health from the pressures of starting and running a business.

Learn why business planning is an essential exercise if your business is to start and grow successfully, attract funding or target new markets.

It is likely you will need funding to start your business unless you have your own money. Discover some of the main sources of start up funding.

Businesses and individuals must account for and pay various taxes. Understand your tax obligations and how to file, account and pay any taxes you owe.

Businesses are required to comply with a wide range of business laws. We introduce the main rules and regulations you must comply with.

Marketing matters. It drives sales and helps promote your brand and products. Discover how to market your business and reach your target customers.

Some businesses need a high street location whilst others can be run from home. Understand the key factors from cost to location, size to security.

Your employees can your biggest asset. They can also be your biggest challenge. We explain how to recruitment and manage staff successfully.

It is likely your business could not function without some form of IT. Learn how to specify, buy, maintain and secure your business IT.

Few businesses manage the leap from start up to high-growth business. Learn what it takes to scale up and take your business to the next level.

Making the most of your bank - checklist

Getting bank finance isn't easy these days - but working with your bank and cultivating an open, honest relationship with them could help. Here's how.

  • Find out which individuals you will normally deal with. Meet them and aim to build a personal relationship.
  • Help the bank to have confidence in your business - show them your business plan and be prepared to explain key figures and projections in detail.
  • Invite your bank contact to visit your premises to meet key employees and to get a better understanding of your business.
  • Use your budgets to forecast your cash flow. Give the bank as much advance notice as possible of any anticipated financing needs.
  • Build a safety cushion into your financing and consider worst-case scenarios.
  • Always keep the bank informed; let them know when your plans change.
  • Investigate the availability of loans and other forms of finance for long-term requirements rather than relying on your overdraft.
  • Consider fixed rate loans (if available) to help with cash flow planning.
  • Keep an eye on your credit rating and improve this if possible to increase your chances of being accepted for loans.
  • Always ask for a clear explanation of all the costs involved in borrowing - for example, arrangement fees - as well as the interest rate.
  • Shop around for quotes to put yourself in a stronger negotiating position.
  • Negotiate if possible - ask for better interest rates, for charges to be waived and for any security you provide (eg a personal guarantee) to be limited.
  • Manage account balances; use online banking to reduce costs and increase efficiency; move any spare cash the business may have to an account paying a higher level of interest.
  • Investigate whether other services the bank can provide (eg credit cards, insurance, pensions) are competitive.
  • Keep your promises to the bank and be honest: provide information when you say you will, make payments when they are due, stay within your overdraft limit.
  • Warn the bank immediately if you face payment difficulties to work out a solution together.
  • If you're refused a loan, keep lines of communication open and ask how you could improve your future chances.
  • Ask whether the bank takes part in the Growth Guarantee Scheme. This guarantees loans to smaller businesses which don't have enough security or a proven track record.

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